
  Most of my work is close-up at parties, receptions and other social gatherings. Recently, I have had the opportunity to do more stage work. I have already written about the lecture demonstrations I have given to various WI groups around Manchester. A couple of weeks ago I was delighted to have the opportunity to perform at the Chancers Cabaret in the Carlton Club in Whalley Range. It was only a 15-minute slot. My theme was the exploration of the

  DiagCon is coming! My children were part of the ‘Harry Potter Generation’. They waited for every new book eagerly. My wife and I followed the stories, too. One time we all attended a Potter fancy dress competition at the local library. It was to celebrate the publication of the latest novel. I was Mad Eye Moody. My youngest won a prize for being Dobby. Afterwards we went went off to Asda’s to buy a  copy (well past the children’s

  Enjoyed mixing with Kathy’s family and friends at her birthday party last night. Here’s a picture of Joyd and me. He said my tricks were ‘spectacular’. Thanks. Joyd. I could listen to that type of comment all day. If you are looking for top quality entertainment at your event, call me for a free quote.     About the author: Frank Farrell performs close up and stage magic and mind-reading across the North West of England.

Master of Bad Taste  One thing you couldn’t accuse Jerry Sadowitz of is being discriminatory (or tasteful):  politicians, comedians, film stars, gays, the youth, women, Brexiteers, terrorism, Grenfell Tower, Madeleine McCann, the audience, himself, Muslims, Jews (and he’s Jewish) … no one is safe from his foul mouthed rantings where swear words (and really bad swear words) punctuate every single sentence.        The Show The show began at breakneck speed. It was hard to keep up with who

Well, last weekend I had an unusual experience of ‘repeat business’. Obviously, we all enjoy a re-booking as it’s a sure sign the client enjoyed our work and received value for money. On Friday I had the quickest re-booking in my career! I had spent the evening at the Victorian Warehouse in Manchester, entertaining Graham and Jess’ wedding guests. They were a fantastic crowd. Graham and Jess are clearly very popular and well-loved: the guests had come from all over

  The Magic of Being A Wedding Magician Being a wedding magician is special and  one of my favourite aspects of this job. The great thing about weddings is that everybody is happy because a major event in our rites of passage is celebrated. Of course, birthday parties and social dinners are great occasions, too. I LOVE performing at all types of social gatherings. I specialize in them. Creating moments for people where logic and reason are suspended is always

What is The Secret Room? The Secret Room is an interesting alternative to strolling close-up and strolling magic. This is the latest development in magical presentation. It’s ideal for people wanting to throw a party that is just that little bit different.  Afterwards guests will be telling all their friends about the special event that happened at your party. How Does It Work? A private room is picked as The Secret Room. It doesn’t have to be spacious: a bedroom

Review of Magic Frank  after a 50th wedding party in Manchester       At the moment I am in high demand for social events across Greater Manchester. Birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, and cocktail parties are all part of my performance field. Hire me for outstanding strolling close up magic. I can also entertain all of your guests together with my mind-reading and comedy magic cabaret show. There’s no need for a stage. A small section of your garden or living

  Poster advertising Y Pengwern Magic with Frank in Llan Ffestinog Y Pengwern Magic Y Pengwern pub is in Llan Festiniog, Wales, with an excellent reputation. It is a small community set in beautiful rolling Welsh hills. Like many small villages, it faces challenges to maintain community services such as the local shop. A few years ago the pub came under pressure and it looked as if it might close. Everybody understood that the loss of the pub would be

Why do you need to book a magician with public liability insurance? Well, it’s not because something might go wrong when he saws a guest in half! No, it’s much simpler than that. Imagine your beautiful (and expensive), wedding dress being splashed with red wine as the magician makes an over enthusiastic sweep with his magic wand. Or your valuable ring being disappeared and then returned again…minus a diamond or covered in scratches. Sadly, this type of thing does happen