
Here are some handy tips to ensure you squeeze every last drop value out of the magician.     Actually, Why Bother? First, do you really need a magician at all? Most families have some saddo uncle who can pull a coin for behind an ear. Surely that’s enough. Let’s face, most of the guests will be legless within half an hour of the bar opening. They would be fooled by anybody who was less drunk -not that difficult- than

    The Midas Experience  “The golden touch is no blessing,” cried Midas.    The Midas Experience is my mind-reading show. I combine astonishing mentalism with thought provoking questions about possessing extraordinary powers. The Midas Experience takes a fresh approach to mind-reading entertainment. How? By grippping the emotions AND the intellect. The audience witness incredible feats of mind manipulation, prediction, synchronicity and mind-reading. Some volunteers will even explore their own psychic abilities. But The Midas Experience is different to the

Are you missing the magic of football during lockdown? Here’s a football-themed magic trick for you to enjoy.

I have had so much fun with this fantastic trick with a straw over the years. I hope you like it, too.      

This is a simple trick you can learn, show and teach any children in your care.  

MAKING THE IMPOSSIBLE POSSIBLE Here’s a fun challenge to drive the people you love around the bend.

MONDAY MORNING MAGIC I used to perform this when I first started magic over 30 years ago. Over time it has dropped out of my working material because it’s not really practical in a walkaround situation. Being in Lockdown has givne me the opportunity to revisit some old favourites. I hope you enjoy it. Your comments, likes, shares, booking enquires are all very welcome 😉